Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Basic Photography....."Get Your Camera Off "P" Mode

 Want to know what it takes to turn a snapshot into a nice portrait?
What's the difference in the two photos below?

Requirement: Digital SLR camera, any lens. An external flash unit is not required, but we will discuss those in brief. Before attending the class, you must know how to change camera modes (program, aperture priority, shutter speed priority, manual), manually set ISO and color balance. This class is on photo techniques, not about how to work specific camera models. Cameras are basically the same, but menu settings vary. Be familiar with your camera’s basic settings.  We do not want to spend valuable class time, explaining menus of various camera models.

Who may attend? This class is for beginning photographers, or amateurs who want to brush up on the techniques. It is not for people who are marketing their photography, or who have web pages advertising their photography services. This is strictly an amateur photography class. To apply for the class, send an email to: We'll send you an application to fill out.

What will we be covering?
One of the biggest problems I see with amateur photographers, is they put their camera on the “P” mode and have no understanding of f/stops, shutter speeds, ISO and color balance. The majority of the time, you’ll get acceptable  photos in the “P” mode. But when light conditions are less than optimal, you often hear the statement, “They just didn’t turn out”.  But you should understand why a photo didn’t “turn out”, and what you could do the next time to correct the problem. As a professional, I must be able to create professional images, regardless of lighting situations. This requires an understanding of, “What does the aperture do? What does shutter speed do? What’s ISO?”  You’ll also learn why a basic understand of depth of focus is important, explanation of various lenses (and which one EVERY serious photographer should have in their bag), and proper focal length settings.You'll also learn why it's sometimes hard to get natural skin tones, and what you can do to correct that problem.
Using the “P” setting, your camera averages everything out. This may or may not be the optimal camera setting for the scene you are wanting to capture. Certain situations require more emphasis on the f/stop (aperture). Other times, shutter speed is a more dominate requirement. And how does ISO affect the final image? And what on earth does “focal length” have to do with anything?
We will view several images and learn to see how the various camera settings affect the final image.
Each student is invited to submit 3 images a few days before the class. These should be, “What went wrong with this photo?” not your “Cream of the crop” photos.

Cost: Fee is $75. Class will last approximately 2-3 hours.

Registration: To apply for the class, send an email to: We'll send you an application to fill out. Class size is limited.

Dates: First class will be held Saturday, September 15, 2:00, at our studio in Oak Grove. Deadline to register, September 8. 

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